TGear Mini Centrifuge

Cov pab cuam sim ua tau zoo nrog txhua yam hauv ib lub rotor tsim.

TGear Mini Centrifuge yog lub tshuab ua kom luv luv me me haum rau ntau hom raj centrifuge. Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev ua haujlwm centrifugation ua ntej PCR kev sim, thiab kev sim tshuaj lom neeg lub cev xws li cov qauv nag lossis daus sai, sib cais supernatant los ntawm ntau yam qauv, sib cais cov ntshav los ntawm tag nrho cov ntshav nrog rau kev sib cais ntawm cov qe ntshav nrog cov lej.

Miv. Tsis yog Ntim Loj
OSE-MC8 1 Teeb

Khoom nthuav dav

Cov Lus Tseem Ceeb

Khoom cim npe

TGear Mini Centrifuge

Cov Haujlwm Ua Haujlwm

■ Please use centrifuge tubes of the same specification and containing the same volume of liquid to confirm the balance before running the instrument. ■ Do not touch the rotor or move the machine until the rotor has completely stopped. ■ The machine should be placed on a horizontal and sturdy workbench.


■ All-in-one rotor, tsis tas yuav hloov lub rotor thaum siv cov raj centrifugal nrog ntau qhov sib txawv.
■ Mute tshuab ua kom muaj suab nrov tsawg.
Design Cov qauv hnyav hauv qab kom ntseeg tau tias tsis muaj kev txav chaw.
■ Durable, nyab xeeb thiab ntseeg tau.
Ful Lub zog muaj zog siab: Lub 8,000 rpm kev kub ceev lub cev muaj zog thiab lub centrifugal loj dua lub kaum sab xis tuaj yeem ua tiav qhov nrawm centrifugation.
Space Qhov chaw txaus, uas yooj yim rau tso thiab tshem tawm cov raj centrifuge.

Txhua yam khoom tuaj yeem tsim kho rau ODM/OEM. Yog xav paub ntxiv,thov nyem Customized Service (ODM/OEM)

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • product_certificate04 product_certificate01 product_certificate03 product_certificate02

    ■ Thov siv cov raj centrifuge ntawm cov lus qhia tshwj xeeb thiab muaj cov ntim ib yam ntawm cov kua kom paub tseeb tias tshuav nyiaj li cas ua ntej ntsuas qhov ntsuas.
    ■ Tsis txhob kov lub rotor lossis txav lub tshuab kom txog thaum lub rotor nres tag.
    ■ Lub tshuab yuav tsum tau muab tso rau ntawm kab rov tav thiab ua haujlwm ruaj khov.

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb