TGreen Blue Light Monitor

Nucleic acid electrophoresis bands tuaj yeem saib xyuas lub sijhawm.

TGreen Blue Light Monitor yog lub cuab yeej ntsuas lub sijhawm tiag tiag siv ua ke nrog lub tshuab hluav taws xob hluav taws xob txhawm rau tshuaj xyuas qhov ua kom pom cov xim fluorescence ntawm nucleic acid gel electrophoresis. LED lub teeb ci tau txais yuav los saib xyuas nucleic acid dyed nrog ntau yam kev nyab xeeb dyes/EB zas xim. Lub lim dej ntawm qhov ntsuas tuaj yeem zam kev hla kab mob ntawm cov iav tsom iav ib txwm. Lub lim tuaj yeem tig thiab kho 360 degree raws li koj xav tau, ua kom yooj yim dua rau siv. Cov xim fluorescent sib xws: EB, GeneGreen, GeneRed, GelGreen, GelRed, Goldview, thiab lwm yam.

Miv. Tsis yog Ntim Loj 
 OSE-470M  1 Teeb

Khoom nthuav dav

Kev sim ua piv txwv

Khoom cim npe

TGreen Blue Light Monitor

Cov Haujlwm Ua Haujlwm

Operating Parameters

Yeem Accessories

TGreen Cut Board (OSE-470M-A001) Acrylic TGreen Cut Board can be selected and used in conjunction with TIANGEN TGreen Blue Light Monitor for convenient gel cutting.

TGreen Txiav Board (OSE-470M-A001)
Acrylic TGreen Cut Board tuaj yeem xaiv thiab siv ua ke nrog TIANGEN TGreen Blue Light Monitor kom yooj yim txiav gel.


■ Kev Nyab Xeeb: Lub teeb xiav tau txais yuav los tiv thaiv kev sib kis ntawm cov iav tsom iav ib txwm.
Resolution Kev daws teeb meem siab: Thaum siv ua ke nrog GeneGreen, qis li 2 ng nucleic acid tuaj yeem pom.
■ Zoo sib xws: Sib xws nrog ntau yam xim fluorescent.
Application Daim ntawv thov dav: Sib phim nrog 80% ntawm cov tso tsheb hlau luam hluav taws xob hauv khw (tshwj tsis yog rau hauv qab opaque thiab zawj-tsawg electrophoresis tso tsheb hlau luam).
■ Yooj Yim: Lub lim tuaj yeem kho tau dawb ntawm 360 degrees.
■ Ntau daim ntawv thov: Nws tuaj yeem tsis tsuas yog ua tiav kev tshuaj xyuas lub sijhawm, tab sis kuj tseem siv rau kev txiav gel nrog cov txiav txiav.


Txhua yam khoom tuaj yeem tsim kho rau ODM/OEM. Yog xav paub ntxiv,thov nyem Customized Service (ODM/OEM)

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  • product_certificate04 product_certificate01 product_certificate03 product_certificate02
    Experimental Example TIANGEN Marker III tau diluted rau 6 gradient concentration nrog 2 zaug gradient. Cov ntsiab lus ntawm qhov ci ntsa iab tshaj plaws (1200 bp) yog 100 ng, 50 ng, 25 ng, 12.5 ng, 6.25 ng thiab 3.125 ng. GeneGreen thiab EB tau siv los ua nucleic acid dyes feem. Cov piv txwv tau khiav ntawm 1.5% agarose gels, ntawm 120 V rau 40 feeb. Hloov cov gel mus rau lub tais gel thiab muab tso rau ntawm TGreen Blue Light Monitor, saib thiab thaij duab. (Sab laug: GeneGreen, sab xis: EB)
    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb